Child-friendly classes in springfield
Child-Friendly Classes
All are welcome to our child friendly classes. You can expect a relaxed and welcoming environment where you can practice with your children. Anyone can attend these classes. However, if you are coming without children we ask that you come free of judgement and expectation. This is a safe place for mums, dads and their precious little ones to enjoy practice in a supportive environment.
Yoga Sclupt
Yoga sculpt is a dynamic class designed to offer you a practice to build both strength and flexibility, the class offers an opportunity to finesse your practice with a fixed sculpting, challenging yoga sequence designed to work the whole body including core workout.
This 45 min class maximises your workout then cools you down with gentle floor stretches and concludes with Savasana. Get ready to track your progress as you build strength and mobility.

Barre & Matt Pilates
Barre pilates is a great way to get a full body workout! The classes use a combination of postures inspired by ballet, yoga and mat pilates. We use the resistance bands to sculpt, slim and stretch your entire body, and the barre is used as a prop to balance while doing exercises that focus on isometric strength training combined with high reps of small range movements.
We also incorporate the use of mini balls for a total body workout!

Child-friendly classes in springfield
Common Questions
New to our studio or even child-friendly classes in general? We are here to answer any questions you have!
Yes Mumma we have you covered! A cheeky lock on the studio door helps keep everyone safe during class.
Yes you can our child friendly classes are for everyone. We do ask you come with an open mind and fun vibes.
Yes! If they want to we would love that!